Variable Naming Structure

The variable naming system is a standard approach for naming allometric response variables and covariates. In the allometric modeling literature, a diverse set of names are available for many similar types of variables. For example, the frequently used acronym “DBH” is used to refer to the diameter at breast height, but DBH can refer to different measures of the stem, such as the diameter inside bark at breast height, or the diameter outside bark at breast height.

The variable naming system provides a standard set of names that clarify the use of the variable while remaining succinct and easy to write. In the variable naming system, the diameter outside bark at breast height is referred to as dsob. Let us inspect what this name means further as a motivating example.

The first two characters in any variable name are referred to as the “measure” and “component”, respectively. In the case of dsob the d refers to the diameter and the s refers to the stem. The remaining characters are modifiers that clarify the context of the measure-component pair. In this case o refers to outside bark and b refers to breast height.

The core structure of a variable name is:


The get_variable_def function allows the user to search for existing variable definitions. For example, we can examine our example variable "dsob"

## [1] "diameter of the stem, outside bark at breast height"

and find that it is the diameter of the stem, outside bark at breast height. We can view the full definition below, which includes a complete breakdown of the measure, component and modifiers of the variable name:

## # A tibble: 1 × 10
##   description                                         component measure search_str modifier_1 modifier_2 measure_name component_name suffix scale_description
##   <chr>                                               <chr>     <chr>   <chr>      <chr>      <chr>      <chr>        <chr>          <chr>  <chr>            
## 1 diameter of the stem, outside bark at breast height s         d       dsob       o          b          diameter     stem           t      tree

In the following sections we will discuss how variable names are structured.


All variable names begin with a “measure”. Measures describe the dimensional aspects of what is being measured for the variable. In the example above, we searched the naming system for d (diameter) measures, but others are available. There are 10 established measures:

##    measure measure_name
## 1        a          age
## 2        b      biomass
## 3        d     diameter
## 4        e      density
## 5        g   basal area
## 6        h       height
## 7        r        ratio
## 8        v       volume
## 9        n        angle
## 10       t  temperature

We recognize that the use of “measure” here is somewhat loose (e.g., diameter and height are both measures of length). However, the variable naming system is meant to preserve at least some connection to commonly used terms for variables in allometric modeling.


All variable names then have a second character that specifies the tree component. Components describe the part of the tree that is being measured. There are 13 established components:

##    component component_name
## 1          b         branch
## 2          c          crown
## 3          f        foliage
## 4          k           bark
## 5          r           root
## 6          s           stem
## 7          t           tree
## 8          u          stump
## 9          w           wood
## 10         h          shrub
## 11         v          cover
## 12         o    topographic
## 13         l       climatic

Mixing these first two character codes provides an expressive system to refer to measures and components. For example, the biomass of foliage, if one were interested in it, would begin bf, the volume of the stem would be vs, and the diameter of the stump would be du.

Measure-Component Modifiers

Within a given measure-component pair, a number of useful modifiers are available. These are specific to the measure-component pair. We highlight a few useful groups of modifiers below. For further information users can call get_variable_def with the measure-component pair of their choice.

Diameter of Stem (ds) Modifiers

Some of the most common allometric variables are that of stem diameter, which arise in taper modeling, merchantable heights and, of course, diameter at breast height. ds modifiers enable a user to specify these broad range of variables. The available ds variables are:

## # A tibble: 5 × 10
##   description                                              component measure search_str modifier_1 modifier_2 measure_name component_name suffix scale_description
##   <chr>                                                    <chr>     <chr>   <chr>      <chr>      <chr>      <chr>        <chr>          <chr>  <chr>            
## 1 diameter of the stem, outside bark at breast height      s         d       dsob       o          b          diameter     stem           t      tree             
## 2 diameter of the stem, outside bark at a specified height s         d       dsoh       o          h          diameter     stem           t      tree             
## 3 diameter of the stem, inside bark at a specified height  s         d       dsih       i          h          diameter     stem           t      tree             
## 4 diameter of the stem, inside bark at breast height       s         d       dsib       i          b          diameter     stem           t      tree             
## 5 diameter outside bark above the root collar              s         d       dsoc       o          c          diameter     stem           t      tree

Height of Stem (hs) Modifiers

Another common group of variables are those that describe stem height, such as the total height of the stem, site index, height of the stem to crown base, and many others.

## # A tibble: 13 × 10
##    description                                                                        component measure search_str height_modifier modifier measure_name component_name suffix scale_description
##    <chr>                                                                              <chr>     <chr>   <chr>      <chr>           <chr>    <chr>        <chr>          <chr>  <chr>            
##  1 total height of the stem                                                           s         h       hst        t               ""       height       stem           t      tree             
##  2 merchantable height of the stem                                                    s         h       hsm        m               ""       height       stem           t      tree             
##  3 height of the stem above breast height                                             s         h       hso        o               ""       height       stem           t      tree             
##  4 height of the stem to crown base                                                   s         h       hsb        b               ""       height       stem           t      tree             
##  5 height of the stem to crown base above breast height                               s         h       hsv        v               ""       height       stem           t      tree             
##  6 height to a specified diameter (taper)                                             s         h       hsd        d               ""       height       stem           t      tree             
##  7 height to a diameter that is 0.75 times the diameter inside bark at breast height  s         h       hsdip75    d               "ip75"   height       stem           t      tree             
##  8 height to a diameter that is 0.67 times the diameter outside bark at breast height s         h       hsdop67    d               "op67"   height       stem           t      tree             
##  9 site index (base age invariant function)                                           s         h       hstixi     t               "ixi"    height       stem           t      tree             
## 10 site index at 20 year base age                                                     s         h       hstix20    t               "ix20"   height       stem           t      tree             
## 11 site index at 50 year base age                                                     s         h       hstix50    t               "ix50"   height       stem           t      tree             
## 12 site index at 100 year base age                                                    s         h       hstix100   t               "ix100"  height       stem           t      tree             
## 13 distance from tip of stem to merchantibility limit                                 s         h       hsl        l               ""       height       stem           t      tree

Volume of Stem (vs) Modifiers

Stem volume models are among the most common models available in allometric, including volume of the stem inside or outside bark, volume of the stem above breast height, and many others.

## # A tibble: 7 × 10
##   description                                                     component measure search_str modifier_1 modifier_2 measure_name component_name suffix scale_description
##   <chr>                                                           <chr>     <chr>   <chr>      <chr>      <chr>      <chr>        <chr>          <chr>  <chr>            
## 1 volume of the entire stem inside bark, including top and stump  s         v       vsia       i          a          volume       stem           t      tree             
## 2 volume of the entire stem outside bark, including top and stump s         v       vsoa       o          a          volume       stem           t      tree             
## 3 volume of the merchantable portion of the stem inside bark      s         v       vsim       i          m          volume       stem           t      tree             
## 4 volume of the merchantable portion of the stem outside bark     s         v       vsom       o          m          volume       stem           t      tree             
## 5 volume of the stem below breast height inside bark              s         v       vsib       i          b          volume       stem           t      tree             
## 6 volume of the stem above breast height inside bark              s         v       vsio       i          o          volume       stem           t      tree             
## 7 volume of the stem above breast height outside bark             s         v       vsoo       o          o          volume       stem           t      tree

Biomass (b) Components and Modifiers

Biomass models compose a vast portion of the allometric modeling literature. All biomass models are stored under the b measure, and include component biomass models (e.g., branch, foliage, etc.) as well as whole-tree biomass models.

## # A tibble: 11 × 9
##    description                 component measure search_str modifier measure_name component_name suffix scale_description
##    <chr>                       <chr>     <chr>   <chr>      <chr>    <chr>        <chr>          <chr>  <chr>            
##  1 "branch biomass"            b         b       bb         ""       biomass      branch         t      tree             
##  2 " dead branch biomass"      b         b       bbd        "d"      biomass      branch         t      tree             
##  3 " live branch biomass"      b         b       bbl        "l"      biomass      branch         t      tree             
##  4 "foliage biomass"           f         b       bf         ""       biomass      foliage        t      tree             
##  5 "shrub biomass"             h         b       bh         ""       biomass      shrub          t      tree             
##  6 "bark biomass"              k         b       bk         ""       biomass      bark           t      tree             
##  7 "root biomass"              r         b       br         ""       biomass      root           t      tree             
##  8 "stem biomass"              s         b       bs         ""       biomass      stem           t      tree             
##  9 "stem + branch biomass"     s         b       bsr        "r"      biomass      stem           t      tree             
## 10 "stem biomass without bark" s         b       bsi        "i"      biomass      stem           t      tree             
## 11 "tree biomass"              t         b       bt         ""       biomass      tree           t      tree

Increment and Scale Flags

Two additional flags can be added to any variable name to indicate increment models (e.g., height increment) or change the spatial scale of the variable (e.g., plot-level biomass).

Increment flags exist as the prefix i_. For example, we can modify the dsob variable to describe diameter outside bark increment via i_dsob:

## # A tibble: 1 × 12
##   description                                                     component measure search_str modifier_1 modifier_2 measure_name component_name suffix scale_description prefix prefix_description
##   <chr>                                                           <chr>     <chr>   <chr>      <chr>      <chr>      <chr>        <chr>          <chr>  <chr>             <chr>  <chr>             
## 1 diameter of the stem, outside bark at breast height (increment) s         d       dsob       o          b          diameter     stem           t      tree              i      increment

Scale flags exist as a suffix, with two suffixes available, one for the plot scale, _p, and one for the stand scale, _s. For example, we can refer to the stand-level basal area as

## # A tibble: 1 × 8
##   description              component measure search_str measure_name component_name suffix scale_description
##   <chr>                    <chr>     <chr>   <chr>      <chr>        <chr>          <chr>  <chr>            
## 1 basal area (stand-level) s         g       gs         basal area   stem           s      stand

We can even combine increment and scale flags to describe, for example, stand-level growth variables, e.g., a stand-level basal area increment would be expressed as i_gs_s

## # A tibble: 1 × 10
##   description                        component measure search_str measure_name component_name suffix scale_description prefix prefix_description
##   <chr>                              <chr>     <chr>   <chr>      <chr>        <chr>          <chr>  <chr>             <chr>  <chr>             
## 1 basal area (stand-level increment) s         g       gs         basal area   stem           s      stand             i      increment